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Birthday Present...

by Richboy 2009. 9. 14.




  삿뽀로의 자연이 좋다기에 돌아올 때 온천수 1톤을 담아달라 했습니다.

비행기에서 액체 반입은 안될거라더군요.


  그럼 그만큼 공기를 담아달라 했습니다.



  온천수 1톤 대신 예쁘장한 만년필을 가져왔습니다. PILOT μ 90(뮤 90) 입니다.

보기 만큼 필기감도 월등히 좋습니다. 멋진 디자인에 잠깐 숨이 막혔습니다.

이젠 리뷰를 글로 써야 할까봅니다.


  공기는... 그녀의 뱃속에 담아왔더군요.

5 톤 정도 들이마신 것 같습니다. ^____^;;




Pilot M90 Limited Edition











In celebration of Pilot’s 90th anniversary, Pilot has created a Limited Edition M90 Fountain Pen. Reminiscent of the Parker T-1 pen of the 1960's the M90’s cutting edge design is smooth and space age. Made of durable stainless steel, the sleek, streamlined body features an integrated clip with a blue stone embedded atop. The pen comes in a commemorative 90th anniversary presentation box. We see no limited edition number on this pen, so we have to believe Pilot when they say it is a Limited Edition.



Pilot makes a few limited editions each decade.

We expect this to be a collectible model.

Note the blue stone in the cap crown below.










A few of the pens are here now. only 800 will be shipped to the US market out of the 9000

world wide as we understand. Call today to get your order in. Just as with the limited Vanishing

Point fountain pens, we expect this one to sell out quickly.

The M90 comes in a fine and medium, one-piece steel nib with blue ink cartridge.

See the top of the box below with the "M90 Limited Edition" printed on the top.

We have to believe Pilot when they say they are making only a few.